Hyde and Shriek

Hyde & Shriek is a Hardy Boys graphic novel written by Scott Lobdell, and illustrated by Daniel Rendon.

Scary story

Hyde and Shriek was also a ghost story told by children. The story tells of four boys who play hide and seek with a horrific outcome of one of the boys being killed by a creepy neighbour. One boy is on and the rest hide together in an area they are not allowed to hide, The boy who is go searches for hours but can't find them. He eventually goes over the fence into the neighbour's garden. the fence is too high to return from the other side. He wanders around the garden. but when he cannot find them he decides to look inside. he creeps into the house. while sneaking upstairs the creepy neighbour graps him from behind. his face was scared all down one side and he had an evil look in his eyes well to skip..... He kills him but the man escapes and reports of more killings by the man are heard from time to time..